Injury traffic collision: On Nov. 7 at around 9:15 p.m., officers responded to a collision between a motorcycle and a pickup truck near West Street and Lincoln Avenue. Through the investigation, it was determined a 21-year-old Woodland resident was riding a motorcycle involved in the traffic collision. The rider was not wearing a helmet and sustained major injuries. The traffic unit responded and took over the investigation due to the severity of the incident.
Brandishing arrest: On Nov. 7 at around 9:45 p.m., a call for service came out at an apartment in the 200 block of West Court Street. Officers believed this was the location of a wanted person, Parolee Joseph Michael Betancourt, a 44- year-old Woodland resident. Officers learned Betancourt was in fact in the apartment, armed with a knife and made threats to a resident at the location. The resident was safely out of their apartment. Officers arrived and determined Betancourt placed items behind the door, barricading himself inside and preventing officers from entering. Officers made announcements and requested the drone and K-9 teams to the scene. After some time, a window was broken out so a drone could enter the residence and assist with locating Betancourt inside the apartment. This incident lasted several hours, however, Betancourt exited from a rear room of the apartment. Betancourt complied with commands and was taken into custody. He was booked into the Yolo County Jail for brandishing, resisting/delaying officers, and a parole violation.
Armed robbery: On Nov. 8 at around 6:54 p.m., officers responded to a reported robbery with a firearm at a store located on East Main Street. Two masked male subjects entered the store just before closing. One subject brandished a handgun and instructed the staff to move to the back room. The subject instructed an employee to open the locked storage area and put merchandise in a bag. Several thousand dollars worth of merchandise was stolen. Both subjects fled in a red unknown make/model SUV going Eastbound on East Main Street. The case is under investigation by detectives.
Vehicle tampering arrest: On Nov. 13 at around 3:49 a.m., officers responded to the report of a vehicle burglary in progress near the 700 block of West Lincoln Avenue. It was further reported a Citizen interrupted the crime and was holding a suspect down on the ground. Officers arrived to find a 15-year-old male being detained. The 15-year-old Woodland resident had three active felony arrest warrants so he was arrested. The juvenile was booked into the Yolo County Juvenile Detention Facility for warrants and vehicle tampering.
Homeless Outreach Street Team Weekly Report
HOST made 24 contacts and offered services to 5 individuals, none accepted services. HOST tagged 10 camps and cleaned up 3. HOST conducted 3 downtown patrols.
HOST and Patrol had contacted a homeless individual who had recently ended up in Woodland due to a series of unfortunate events. She did not have any friends or family in Woodland. She wanted help and expressed the desire to return to their hometown, which was in the Bay Area.
HOST officers talked with Yolo Bus to plan the route and provide a bus pass to help her reunite the lady with her family, where she would have access to clothes, food, and shelter. This female was successfully reunited with her family due to HOST, Patrol and Yolo Bus working together.
This is a synopsis of reports provided by the Woodland Police Department, and does not include all calls or arrests or some cases which are under active investigation.