Another full-time Washington County Sheriff’s Office deputy has been added to the roster in Newport.

The Washington County Board on Tuesday approved an agreement with city officials to add the services of an additional deputy; the Washington County Sheriff’s Office is contracted by the city to provide law enforcement services.

“We’re excited to have the additional deputy,” said City Administrator Joe Hatch.

Newport currently contracts with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office for five deputies and a sergeant; city officials abolished the police department and began contracting with the sheriff’s office for law enforcement services in 2016.

The additional deputy will help “manage services,” Hatch said.

“We’ve grown in the last few years — the population is up about 20 percent in the last five years — and this will help us respond to needs,” he said.

The city was awarded a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, for the addition of one full-time equivalent deputy position.

The grant will provide $125,000 in funding for the new position. The funding will be staggered over three years and requires a minimum 25 percent match from the city, officials said.

The city will be responsible to pay any and all direct costs and expenses related to the position that are not reimbursed by the grant, including vehicle, equipment and overtime costs.

The city also is required to retain the position for a minimum of one year following depletion of the grant funding, in accordance with the program requirements.

The anticipated start date of the position is April 1, at the request of the city.

The total cost in 2025 is estimated at $123,400, with approximately $66,100 funded by the grant, $48,400 funded by the city, and $8,900 in police state aid credit, officials said.