Each answer is a word that makes another word when it is spelled backward. Provide both words. (e.g., A friend or buddy. Answer: Pal: lap.)

Freshman level

1. A person who tells falsehoods.

2. A poet.

3. Rudolph was one.

4. To daze as by a blow.

5. Morally bad and cruel.

Graduate level

6. It goes with a fishing rod.

7. A large, brass musical instrument.

8. A change in the sea level.

9. Wild animal of the dog family.

10. A very small fly with two pairs of wings.

Ph.D. level

11. To ward off or keep away.

12. Satan.

13. Relating to royalty.

14. A nappy.

15.To repeat or give a summary.

Answers: 1. Liar: rail. 2. Bard: drab. 3. Deer: reed. 4. Stun: nuts. 5. Evil: live. 6. Reel: leer. 7. Tuba: abut. 8. Tide: edit. 9. Wolf: flow. 10. Gnat: tang. 11. Repel: leper. 12. Devil: lived. 13. Regal: lager. 14. Diaper: repaid. 15. Recap: pacer.

— North America Syndicate