Aries: While it’s important to be open to new ideas, don’t give in to unnecessary changes. Sometimes, it might be best to leave things as they are. Don’t overreact if someone questions your loyalty or trustworthiness.
Taurus: Your special someone may be preoccupied for a few hours, leaving you with more time to dedicate towards yourself. Use determination to achieve your own goals. Your friends may open doors for you leading to beneficial opportunities.
Gemini: Multitasking requires a versatile mind. You may be quite adept at handling multiple tasks simultaneously. However, you might find yourself trying to please too many people too often or promise more than you can comfortably deliver.
Cancer: You may need to put in some effort to achieve profitability and success. However, avoid making sudden changes in policies or routines that could eventually backfire. People want to know they can rely on you to back your words with action.
Leo: A few well-placed words and an honest discussion may lead to reconciliation soon. Restore peace and shift your focus to your goals and passions. Those around you might be interested in advancing, and there may be a sense of camaraderie you can leverage.
Virgo: A temporary dry period of resources could pass. You might have recently misjudged your spending or income; a helpful friend could offer wise advice, or an opportunity might arise that helps you reach an important and worthy goal.
Libra: Flexibility is key to successful outcomes; bend, but don’t break. Be more understanding if a loved one is unpredictable or seems wired for a few hours. Consider making time to reflect on your current projects and long-term goals.
Scorpio: Passion-led actions could lead to tricky situations, don’t let your fantasies completely take over. Resist the temptation to suddenly change tasks, get involved in an irresistible obsession, or hook up with a new acquaintance.
Sagittarius: Pesky details might briefly disrupt your schedule. Consider keeping your ear to the ground so you can listen for wise advice and helpful information. Your neighborhood may be the topic of conversation.
Capricorn: Constantly tweaking a project could result in something completely unrecognizable. Consider moving on and focusing your energy on planning the next endeavor. Project-related situations could come full circle or reach a peak.
Aquarius: Your skillset is exceptional. Consider using your understanding of your industry to make intelligent decisions and effectively showcase your leadership. Don’t let a misunderstanding undermine a relationship.
Pisces: Be mindful of your responsibilities. Following a trend or giving in to an impulsive whim and spending too much could lead to financial trouble. Find a balance between approaching problems logically and tapping into your intuition.
If Jan. 9 is your birthday: You may feel called to make wise decisions that may affect your financial future during the upcoming two to three weeks.
Magi Helena Tribune Content Agency