Illinois taxpayers: When is enough, enough? The Democratic politicians who have misused, misspent and misdirected our tax dollars are now putting in place a massive tax increase … Our infrastructure is crumbling. The schools are failing. It is just total mismanagement. There is not even a shred of accountability or reform. The Democratic answer seems to be more taxes, pay raises and cost-of-living adjustment raises for those with lavish pensions. … They are only handing this punishing tax bill to the taxpayer.

Tinley Park

President Donald Trump had a news conference in which he said that we not only knew that our drone was flying in international waters where we have a perfect legal right to be but that we also know this by scientific evidence as proof. That is interesting. I guess when it comes to Iran, he supports science but when it comes to climate change he doesn’t believe scientists. Way to go, Trump.

Oak Lawn

Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker recent decision to sign a bill legalizing recreational marijuana just shows how it’s really profits over life.

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