Leonid and Friends, a Chicago tribute band, will perform at Silver Creek Event Center at the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, Michigan, on July 6. (Four Winds Casino )
Here are five things to do in Northwest Indiana July 5-9.
First Friday comedy: Tickle your funny bone from 8 to 10:30 p.m. July 5 at D Performance Comedy Theater in Gary. Josh R. Sumrall of Chubby Gang Comedy hosts with Joe Antonacci, Ladydi Mathis, Carlton Dixon, Dezimon Alicea and Comedian Junior. If your birthday is in July, you get in for free if you present your state ID at the door. Tickets are $8-$15. At 500 S. Lake St. Call 219-613-4585.
Astronomy open house:The Calumet Astronomical Society presents “The Rings of Saturn” from 9 to 11 p.m. July 6 at the Thomas Conway Observatory in Lowell. Visitors will have a chance to view Jupiter and Saturn through the eyepiece of the observatory’s 16-inch telescope. Viewing is weather dependent. Admission is free. At 19100 Chase St. Email infocasonline@yahoo.com or go to casonline.org.
Leonid & Friends: The Moscow-based Chicago tribute band performs at 9 p.m. Eastern time July 6 at Silver Creek Event Center at Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, Michigan. Tickets are $25-$35. At 11111 Wilson Road. Call 866-494-6371 or go to fourwindscasino.com.
Tom Jones tribute: John “Tom Jones” Truncali perform from 6 to 7:30 p.m. July 9 in Oakwood Grand Hall at Woodland Park in Portage. Donations for the Portage Food Pantry and Gabriel’s Horn Women’s Homeless Shelter are welcomed. Admission is free. At 2100 Willlowcreek Road. Call 219-762-5025 or go to portagemusic.com.
Concert in the park: The Good Clean Fun Band performs at 7 p.m. July 9 at Pheasant Hills Park in Dyer. Tickets are free. At 2301 Hart St. Call 219-865-2505 or go to townofdyer.net/edc/Departments/ParksRecreation/ParkEvents.aspx.
Do you have an event coming up you would like to see included in Five Things to Do? Email your item, including time, date, place and a contact number, to wweber@tribpub.com at least two weeks before the event.
Annie Alleman is a freelancer .