Do you run from the room screaming when you see a spider? Or do you look at them and their webs with wonder?

Spiders are both amazing and creepy. With Halloween coming up soon, The Mini Page learned more about the awesome spider.

Are spiders insects?

Spiders are in a group called arachnids (uh-RAK-nids). Ticks, mites and scorpions belong to the same class.

Although spiders look a lot like insects, they are not insects. Here are some differences:


• have eight legs

• have two body sections

• spin silk

• have glands filled with venom Insects:

• have six legs

• have three body sections

• Most have wings and antennae.

Importance of spiders

Spiders eat billions of insects. They are important in controlling insects that may harm crops. They also help protect human health by capturing and eating disease spreading insects such as houseflies.

Super strong silk

Spider silk is one of the strongest materials on Earth. One strand of spider silk is stronger than the same size strand of steel. But the silk is also flexible, or able to be easily shaped. Spider silk was once used to make bulletproof vests.

Spider silk starts as a liquid inside glands, or special organs, in the spider’s body. When the liquid silk comes in contact with air, it hardens.

A spider usually has four spinnerets, or organs that produce silk, at the tip of its abdomen. As the spider moves the spinnerets, they weave the silk together, much like people weave threads.

Spiders can change the size, strength, thickness, stretchiness and stickiness of their silk. Along with webs, spiders can spin protective covers for their egg sacs.


Venom is poison produced by an animal. Spider venom paralyzes its prey, or makes it unable to move.

The venom also digests the prey, or breaks it down into a liquid. Spiders can eat only liquids. When the venom has turned the prey to liquid, the spiders suck it into their stomachs.

Spiders’ venom is in their large jaws. At the tip of each jaw is a sharp, movable fang. When the spider bites an insect, the jaws squeeze the insect, and venom flows through an opening in the spider’s fangs.

Spiders eat only live insects. Once its venom has paralyzed the prey, the spider can keep its meal alive until it’s done eating.

Being careful

Most spiders are too small to break human skin and are not dangerous to us.

But even spiders with weak venom can still cause serious reactions in people. Spider bites can cause a high fever, body aches, and some pain or swelling where the person was bitten.

When you see a spider or a spider web, don’t put your hands on it. Spiders would rather run away than bite you. They usually bite humans only if they are rolled on or pinched against someone’s skin.


On the Web:


At the library:

• “Spiders” by Rebecca Pettiford photo © Ben Smith

Mini Fact: The Carolina wolf spider looks scary, but it is not dangerous to humans.