The legacy of Liz

I want to publicly thank Larry Wilson for his Wednesday tribute to Liz Levitt Hirsch and her family’s foundation for the years of free concerts they provided in Pasadena.

I didn’t attend. I’m not a fan of the kind of music that was performed. However, I’m thankful and appreciative for their generosity for providing these free performances for our community.


— Joe Paggi, Pasadena

Bag man

In response to Steven Greenhut’s article last Sunday concerning plastic bags in grocery stores, he makes it very clear that he is the problem. He is correct in stating that both paper bags and plastic bags are destructive to the environment in different ways, but his cavalier attitude about refusing to bring his own bags to the store is totally misguided.

I have been bringing my own bags to the grocery store for about 40 years. They are in my car and handy when I need them. They are not “dirty old bags,” as Mr. Greenhut implies.

Canvas and cotton bags are easily washable. Some bags have a sturdy coating and can be wiped out easily with a wet cloth. Instead of decrying the bills currently being proposed in the Legislature, he should try doing his part for the environment by using his own clean, reusable bags.

— Sharon Giannotta, Pasadena

‘Rigged verdict’

It’s not complicated. Trump’s idea of a fair trial is one where he has appointed the judge,.

— Bob Ginn. Arcadia

Dangerous opinions

I found Susan Shelley’s opinion that Trump’s trial was rigged to be irresponsible and publicly dangerous based on the continued violent threats toward Judge Merchan and family, the lead prosecutor Alvin Bragg and family, and all those associated with the prosecutorial team from the outset of the trial incited by Trump.

The determination of guilt of the 34 counts by all 12 jury members was arrived at and based on the evidence and testimonies of witnesses: one who considered Trump a longtime friend, publisher David Pecker; Michael Cohen, Trump’s attorney; and Hope Hicks, who was his communication director during his presidency. The corroborating testimonies of these witnesses and others led to the jury’s guilty verdicts.

Readers are reminded that Trump said the same thing about the 2020 election being rigged and fraudulent. Trump’s attorneys filed 60 cases in court, and all were reviewed by judges and disproven due to a lack of evidence. And even though Trump had no proof of a rigged election, he still managed to incite his MAGA supporters to attack and injure Capitol police and vandalize the halls of Congress.

Let’s hope Shelley’s non-lawyer disinformation will not incite a local reader to travel to New York City and commit a crime solely based on her false narrative. If any of Trump’s supporters act on this false narrative espoused by Shelley, conservative talk show hosts and elected politicians, and then follow through with violent retaliation against members of the justice system in New York City, will Shelley and the opinion editor accept responsibility for their reckless use of the print media?

— Larry Naritomi, Monterey Park

A vote for Garvey

Re “Garvey’s Senate run,” Tom Elias column, May 31:

I think that Katie Porter and Adam Schiff are two of the finest representatives California has ever sent to the House, which is why I voted for Steve Garvey in the primary. If the two Democrats had run first and second, they would have faced off against each other in November, siphoning many millions of dollars in Democratic donations when we would have already been guaranteed a good Democrat in the Senate. Hopefully that money will be better spent in legitimately contested House races for Democrats to retake the House.

— Ron Garber, Duarte

No justice

Justice system not rigged? We have Bill and Hillary, Clinton Foundation, Whitewater, Bimbo Eruption, Monica Lewinsky (settlements $$), Benghazi, destruction of 52,000 e-mails, the fake Steele Dossier.

— Dennis Cito, Arcadia