Christian Financial Outreach and Impact Foundation recently awarded $26,563 in grants to nonprofit organizations that serve throughout Michigan.

The Sterling Heights based credit union awards these grants, reflecting the foundation’s commitment to supporting programs that promote financial well-being, quality of life and empowering the next generation.

The following organizations were selected as recipients of the Christian Financial Credit Union Outreach & Impact Foundation grants:

• Paws with a Cause: $2,500 towards custom dog training for people with disabilities.

• Turning Point: $1,000 to help expand Turning Point’s emergency shelter occupancy.

• Motor City Mitten Mission: $1,000 to purchase mobile wi-fi hot spots for individuals experiencing homelessness in the city of Detroit.

•MI Cookie Project: $1,000 to help offset the operational cost of producing baked goods for those with intellectual disabilities and autism.

• Sacred Heart Major Seminary: $7,500 in matching funds for the Seminary’s Giving Heart Day, with the goal of forming priests, deacons and lay leaders.

• Family Tree: $1,000 to provide uniforms and assistance with the nonprofit’s after school enrichment program for low income children.

• Goddess Great: $500 for three community baby shower events, providing baby supplies for expectant mothers.

• Chosen Fertility Group: $500 in grant funds towards programs for individuals facing infertility. Haven Homes: $2,500 towards basic needs for women leaving human trafficking and entering the Haven Homes program.

• House of Angels 1 Inc.: $1,000 to enable workshops and seminars for individuals facing domestic violence or mental health issues.

• Griot Initiative: $2,500 supporting the Young Griots Visual Storytelling Workshop, which teaches the fundamentals of storytelling to students from low-income neighborhoods. Aktive Minds Foundation: $500.00 towards programs for youth that incorporate sports, character development and life skills.

• Clinton River Watershed Council: $3,063 to fund cleaning supplies for the CRWC’s Keeping-It-Clean program.

• St. Faustina Conference, Society of St. Vincent de Paul Detroit: A grant of $2,000 to replenish the church’s food pantry.