Aries: A situation or relationship might be unsettled and unpredictable. Someone close to you could change their mind, or your feelings might shift. Wait for a more grounded and peaceful atmosphere before making any crucial plans or changes.

Taurus: Fan the flames of fame. There may be an opportunity to play a role in a public venue that is usually unavailable. You might be able to show off your star power where you can mingle with people from diverse professional backgrounds.

Gemini: Gatherings of friends could fulfill your desire for social contact. Your charm and keen wit may make you more popular. A brief difference of opinion with a partner might be resolved once your willingness to compromise comes to light.

Cancer: Be versatile without being unreliable. Flexibility might solve problems seamlessly but avoid making thoughtless changes that could inconvenience others. Your reputation may be on the line due to a passing misunderstanding or conflict.

Leo: When you need something to believe in, start with yourself. Look for new ways to contribute your skills and talents. Someone may be open to a mutually agreed-upon compromise. Your intuition may be spot on, so jot down your best ideas.

Virgo: Peace is something you create and spread. There may be an opportunity to join hands with others who have the same goals. You may be eager to make a change or start something new but might encounter minor obstacles or growing pains.

Libra: Find a happy medium between your business or career interests and important plans in your personal life. You may encounter deals that look good on the surface but don’t hold up under detailed review.

Scorpio: Becoming a success could require you to exert more effort. Daydreaming and wishful thinking might help you pinpoint exactly what you want. A new relationship may not lead to your desired results but could bring an unexpected surprise.

Sagittarius: Your wisdom might start to shine like the moon. You may begin to see who truly has your best interest at heart and who is insincere. You could have a lot of support from those who value your sincerity and willingness to compromise.

Capricorn: You might not be able to control your circumstances. It may be wise to stay flexible and open to changing your opinions on certain issues. Sometimes, you might learn more from listening to others rather than sharing your own opinions.

Aquarius: Don’t hesitate to take the first steps towards reconciliation; everyone involved will appreciate it in the end. You may enjoy social gatherings or group outings with friends this week. Love and affection towards you might soon be amplified.

Pisces: Spending money without a clear intention could be a problem that impacts your budget. Think twice before giving in to passing fads. While having an extensive vocabulary may be valuable, knowing when to remain quiet is priceless.

If Jan. 10 is your birthday: Your practical attitude and sensible approach to handling life’s financial and professional affairs may help you achieve your ambitions.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency