The San Francisco Orchid Society opened the 72nd annual Pacific Orchid Exposition Show and Plant Sale in Golden Gate Park yesterday with more than 1,000 orchids on display and thousands more for sale.

Novato resident and San Francisco Orchid Society President Fred Anderson promises there will be “orchids, orchids and more orchids.” He believes that it’s the West Coast’s largest orchid show.

“This show will have vendors from Japan and Southeast Asia to South America with most from California and Mexico. You will see, and be able to buy, orchids more spectacular than you’ve ever seen in your life,” he said.

Despite their beauty and allure, orchids are the most common plant species on Earth.

“There are over 25,000 species of orchids,” Anderson said. “Orchids grow from sea level to 10,000 feet, from the equator to the Arctic Circle, and on all continents except Antarctica.”

During the show, don’t count on the display orchids to be for sale. They’re highly protected and generally aren’t for sale.

However, most if not all vendors will have the same or similar plants for sale, he said.

Additionally, there’s an area for member plant sales, where orchid society members sell their “extra plants at excellent prices,” he said.

“We try not to have two vendors selling the same types of orchids, although there’s some overlap,” he said.

All the vendors come fully stocked and “generally sell out by Sunday.”

There will be a few vendors that will sell orchid-related products, such as fertilizers, pots and crates.

The show is divided into two areas: one for vendors’ and orchid societies’ display orchids and another spot for orchid sales. A plant hotel is available to shoppers who want to store their purchases while they continue to shop.Along with the displays and sales, there will be a “kids corner,” silent auction and demonstrations by experts.

This year’s theme is “Orchids in the Clouds,” a reference to the cloud forest and other interesting habitats where many orchids are found in nature.

All vendors must create an orchid display based on their interpretation of the year’s theme, and Bay Area orchid societies are invited to do so as well. Winners of the best displays will be awarded prizes.

Last year, the Marin Orchid Society won three prizes. This year, they’ll enter a display of more than 60 orchids grown by its members.

Anderson, who’s also a member of the Marin Orchid Society with his wife, Jan Walls Anderson, plans to enter three phragmipediums in the San Francisco Orchid Society’s display — “if the display chair deems them good enough.”

“Jan will enter about 10 different types of orchids she has in bloom,” he said.

Anderson hopes the Pacific Orchid Exposition will encourage more people to grow orchids and join a local orchid society.

“By being a member, you have the opportunity to meet people from vastly different backgrounds and occupations who all share your interest in growing these fabulous plants,” he said. “All are willing to share their experiences in growing orchids.”

Patrons will also be able to learn about orchids at the show.

Learn how to repot orchids at 11 this morning and 1 p.m. Sunday; “Orchids 101” is at 1 this afternoon; hear about pests and diseases at 2 this afternoon and 11 a.m. Sunday; and “Cymbidium Division and Culture” is at 2 p.m. Sunday.

“Remember, Trader Joe’s orchids and those at Costco and other big stores are very good orchids and well worth the money, but not as amazing and spectacular as the ones you will see at Pacific Orchid Exposition,” Anderson said. “You can take that to the bank.”

Details >> The 72nd annual Pacific Orchid Exposition Show and Plant Sale is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the San Francisco County Fair Building in Golden Gate Park at 1199 Ninth Ave. in San Francisco. Admission is $5 to $15. Children 12 years old and younger are free when accompanied by a ticket-holding adult. More information at

Want to get involved locally? The Marin Orchid Society holds monthly meetings from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except August, November and December, at Congregation Kol Shofar at 215 Blackfield Drive in Tiburon. Please check the club calendar for any changes. Annual dues are $25 per household. Go to or email

Show off

If you have a beautiful or interesting Marin garden or a newly designed Marin home, I’d love to know about it.

Please send an email describing either one (or both), what you love most about it and a photograph or two. I will post the best ones in upcoming columns. Your name will be published, and you must be over 18 years old and a Marin resident.

PJ Bremier writes on home, garden, design and entertaining topics every Saturday. She may be contacted at P.O. Box 412, Kentfield 94914, or at