Aries: You can’t extend a hand in friendship with a clenched fist. While one part of you wants to be seen as trustworthy and kindhearted, another part might be ready to debate every point. Focus on being kind to everyone you come across.

Taurus: Honesty and fair play may earn you the right sort of attention. Showing some originality and resourcefulness might help to spark the interest of a secret admirer. Thinking outside the box doesn’t mean rushing through everything.

Gemini: Perspective is powerful; the solution to any problem might easily lie in how you view it. A fresh viewpoint and optimistic attitude could make things unfold positively. Consider turning routine tasks into a game to complete them effortlessly.

Cancer: You may grow defensive if you feel someone is controlling your actions. Do your best to control your own temper and mood. Even those focused on always thinking of others first might struggle to show compassion and sensitivity today.

Leo: A sincere compliment could go a long way to making someone notice your best qualities. Offering kind words and positive reinforcement might help you genuinely impress someone. You may achieve more by offering a fair compromise.

Virgo: Sometimes, it’s best to follow the leader rather than rushing ahead and upsetting those who may have been waiting their turn. It may be helpful to avoid seeking instant gratification and be patient with those who are less ambitious than you.

Libra: Stay calm, cool, and collected if your friendly gestures seem to be challenged. You might encounter tricky tactics that test your loyalty and honor. Keep your composure and avoid judging others too harshly over the next few days.

Scorpio: Novelty may fade but hopefully the positive influence will last. New friends might be intriguing, possibly because they might bring a refreshing change to your routine. Networking could introduce you to someone who offers a fresh perspective.

Sagittarius: Highlight strengths instead of pointing out flaws, and you might gain a lifelong friend. Steer clear of power struggles over sensitive matters or projects. Your good judgment and tolerant attitude could make people listen to you.

Capricorn: Radiate your star power and don’t let others down. You may be relied on to get the project done. Try something new; you might be fascinated by the latest trends or events. Stay ready to embrace challenges and rewarding changes.

Aquarius: You might realize that you no longer have much in common with a group of friends. You might need to cut ties and move on. Always do what feels most aligned for you.

Pisces: They say there’s no rest for the weary, but it may be time to unwind. Consider setting professional matters aside until Monday to focus on lighter, more enjoyable activities. You could experience a series of abundant rewards.

If Jan. 3 is your birthday: Your path ahead may be filled with bliss. There could be opportunities to expand your influence during the next two weeks when you may have sound judgment.

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