Dear Mr. Bradshaw,

I am a junior in high school. I want to study philosophy and the classics in college.

I’ve taken three years of Latin, I love to write history research papers, and I am at the top of my high school class in math and computer programming.

What jobs would be open to me if I stay on this track?

What are the best colleges to apply to with philosophy as a major in mind?


Junior in high school

Dear Junior,

Let’s explore some potential career paths and the best colleges to apply to with this major in mind.

Academia and Research: With your passion for philosophy and the classics, pursuing a career in academia and research could be a fulfilling path.

You could become a professor or researcher, specializing in ancient philosophy, classical literature, or related fields. Your proficiency in math and computer programming could also be advantageous in conducting research, data analysis, or computational modeling within these disciplines.

Top colleges known for their strong programs in philosophy and classics, such as Harvard University, Princeton University, and even Oxford University in the United Kingdom would be excellent choices for pursuing this career path.

Historian or Archaeologist: Your love for writing history research papers and your background in the classics make you well-suited for a career as either a historian or archaeologist.

You could delve into researching ancient civilizations, uncovering historical artifacts, or analyzing primary sources to contribute to our understanding of the past.

Institutions such as Yale University, University of Cambridge, also in the UK, and the University of Chicago are well known for their rigorous history and archaeology programs.

Legal Profession: Studying philosophy can sharpen your critical thinking, analytical, and argumentation skills, which are highly valued in the legal profession.

With your background in classics and Latin, you may also develop a strong foundation in understanding legal principles and the origins of modern law.

Pursuing a career as a lawyer or legal scholar could be a viable option for you. Consider applying to top law schools like Yale Law School, Stanford Law School, or Harvard Law School.

Technology and Data Analysis: Your proficiency in math and computer programming opens up opportunities in the technology sector, particularly in fields like data analysis, artificial intelligence, and software development.

Companies in industries ranging from finance to healthcare to tech startups often seek individuals with strong quantitative and programming skills.

Pursuing internships or co-op programs during college can provide valuable hands-on experience in these areas.

Universities with strong programs in both philosophy/classics and computer science/mathematics, such as Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and University of California, Berkeley, would be ideal choices.

Education and Curriculum Development: With your background in the classics and a passion for teaching, you could pursue a career in education, either as a teacher, curriculum developer, or education policy analyst.

Your expertise in philosophy could also make you a valuable asset in teaching critical thinking and ethics. Consider attending universities with strong education programs, such as Indiana University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, or University of Michigan.

Entrepreneurship and Consulting: Your diverse skill set and interdisciplinary knowledge make you well-suited for entrepreneurship or consulting.

You could start your own business, leveraging your expertise in philosophy, classics, and technology to develop innovative solutions or products.

Alternatively, you could work for consulting firms, where your analytical skills and ability to think critically would be highly valued.

Universities with strong entrepreneurship programs, such as Stanford University, Harvard University, the University of California, Berkeley, and Purdue University would provide excellent opportunities for exploring this career path.

Let me say you are on the right track for a bright future.

Pursuing a major in philosophy and classics while maintaining your proficiency in math and computer programming can lead to a variety of exciting career opportunities.

By attending top colleges with strong programs in these fields, you can acquire the knowledge, and experiences needed to succeed in your chosen career path.

Ultimately, the best college for you will depend on your individual preferences, academic goals, and career aspirations.

Take the time to research each institution thoroughly and choose the one that aligns best with your interests and ambitions.

Gerald Bradshaw is an international college admissions consultant with Bradshaw College Consulting in Crown Point.