Dear Heloise: In regard to the idea of having a dog for security reasons, there is an alternative option. For anyone who cannot have a dog for whatever reason, there are electronic devices that mimic a barking dog. All you have to do is install a motion-detection device outside your front door. As soon as anyone approaches, they will hear loud barking coming from within the house.

You can order one online. Occasionally, ours goes off with no one there, but it’s usually just a momma bird flying back to her nest on our front porch.

— Mary Flowers, Orange County


Dear Heloise: When family members ask for suggestions on what we would like for Christmas or our birthdays, we have started to say, “No gifts. We have way too much stuff already! Please make a contribution to a charity of your choice instead.”

It pleases us when they tell us they contributed to a charity, such as a food bank or other organizations that assist people who need help. We enjoy seeing people open presents from us that they have told us they needed or luxuries that they wouldn’t normally buy for themselves.

— Peggy, via email


Dear Heloise: You wrote about having a stash of cash for emergencies. After my mother-in-law died, my husband and I went through her house to make sure that nothing valuable was missed. In her china cabinet under some dishes, I found an envelope with six crisp $100 bills in it. There is no telling how long it had been there, and I almost missed it! Obviously, the cash had been forgotten long ago.

— Libby Kinder, via email


Dear Heloise: I read your column in the San Antonio Express-News, and I enjoy it immensely! After reading several ideas on how to protect your toothbrush from bacteria in the bathroom, I have the ultimate solution: Close the toilet lid before flushing!

Another idea for keeping bathroom smells at bay is to burn a wooden match. It works like a charm! Remember to wet it before discarding it in the trash can, and if you have small children, keep the matches out of reach.

— Maria Teresa Blanco, via email


Dear Heloise: When my late husband, Don, and I moved to Hendersonville, North Carolina, I had a problem with tiny bugs getting into anything that contained grains. A pest control person told me to freeze anything containing grains as this would prevent any problem from developing. I’ve followed his advice and had no further issues.

Like the person who wrote to you about this problem, I do keep flour and other goods in either plastic, metal or glass containers. Thanks for your great column!

— L.R., Hendersonville, North Carolina

Send a money-saving or time-saving hint to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.