Boulder area

15th Street Gallery: Featuring lithographs by Santa Fe artist Rodney Carswell; open by appointment only; 1708 15th St., Boulder;

Art and Soul Gallery: Downtown space that offers a selection of fine art and jewelry; 1615 Pearl St., Boulder;

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art: “Dazzle of Darkness,” 31 artists illuminate darkness through diverse media, ranging from storytelling to scientific experimentation, photography, fiber optics, film and sculpture, up through May 4; 1750 13th St., Boulder;

Bus Stop Gallery: “Alternative Landscapes,” by Marie Bush, Matt Lancaster and Dona Laurita, in celebration of the 2025 Month of Photography Festival. Opening reception is 6:30 p.m. Saturday, up through March 22; 4895 N. Broadway, Boulder;

Canyon Theater and Gallery: “Communal Threads,” abstract text patterns made with discarded fabric, by Heather Schulte, up through March 31; “Miss Ways Pen Pals,” connects preschoolers with seniors through letter writing and art, up through April 30 at Meadows Library; “My Lovely Creature,” inspired by artist Kendall B. Harper’s son’s experiences growing up on the autism spectrum, up through April 28 on the Arapahoe Ramp; “BRAVA! an Homage to Women in the Visual Arts,” honoring historical and contemporary women artists, up through March 30; “Boulder Days Needlework,” embroidery by Hiroko Dennis that’s Art Deco-inspired, up through April 28 at Reynolds Library; “Black History in Boulder,” family portraits and community images from the Carnegie Library for Local History, up through Friday at NoBo Library; Main Library, 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder;

Collective Community Arts Center: “A Year on Coal Creek Trail,” features over 70 artworks inspired by the wildlife and landscape along this local treasure, up through March 9; 201 N. Public Road, Lafayette;

Dairy Arts Center: “Black Futures in Art: The Space Between Us,” explores the energy and potential within the gaps that separate humans, up through March 30; “Albert Foote Sr. and Darrell Spotted Horse,” a Creative Nations exhibit that celebrates respected artist, storyteller and tipi educator, up through May 4; “Gone Over,” by Lisa Berley, up through March 30; 2590 Walnut St., Boulder;

East Window: “Nothing Happened Here,” photography by Jeremy Dennis, up through Friday; “Headdress,” by Dana Claxton, personal headdress collections of five women, up through April 26; “Bathroom,” by Jenna Hissong, documents her father’s bathroom as a conduit for generational storytelling, up through June 20; “Ake Huchimagachach,” by Soloman Chiniquay and Jaz Whitford, up through June 20; “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Rebel,” by Amitis Motevalli, a reflection on the coming of consciousness of the artist, up thorugh June 20; 4550 Broadway, Suite C-3B2, Boulder;

Kin Studio and Gallery: “The Silhouette Project: Newcomers,” by Dona Laurita, up through April 4; Kin Studio & Gallery, 4725 16th St., Studio 104, Boulder;

Messinger Gallery: Work by Rob Levy and Sara Sanderson; Messinger Gallery at the Boulder JCC, 6007 Oreg Ave., Boulder;

Museum of Boulder: “Proclaiming Colorado’s Black History,” highlights the history of Black culture in Colorado, up through September 2025; “Eye to Eye: Portraits of Pride, Strength, Beauty,” by Carey Candrian, up through April 20; 2205 Broadway, Boulder;

Nick Ryan Gallery: “Human Nature,” by Lanny Devuono and “Borrowed Dust,” by Brenda Stumpf, up through Saturday; 1221 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 110, Boulder;

NoBo Art Center: “Month of Photography Member Show,” brings a rich tapestry of styles, narratives and perspectives that exemplify the depth and diversity of the photographic arts in Boulder, up through March 22; 4929 Broadway, #E, Boulder;

Particulars Art Gallery: “ART with rePurpose,” owners and members challenged themselves to create repurposed art for this special show, up through Friday; 401 S. Public Road, Lafayette;

SmithKlein Gallery: New works by Peter Burega; 1116 Pearl St., Boulder;

CU Art Museum: “Better Days,” artists respond to historical moments when uncertainty prevails and social connections fray, up through May 27; “Hello Friend,” centers friendships between artists who lived and worked in shared creative circles in the mid-late 1900s, up through May 27; 1085 18th St., Boulder;

Longmont area

Firehouse Art Center: “Happy Sad,” new work by Kenzie Sitterud, up through March 9; 667 Fourth Ave., Longmont;

The Great Frame Up: Longmont Artists’ Guild Member Show, up through March 7; 430 Main St., Longmont;

Helios Public Art House: An art house that displays the work of around 20 Boulder County artists and hosts live music; open 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday; 364 Main St., Longmont;

Longmont Museum: “A Graphic Journey: Prints by Pablo Picasso,” explore the genius of Pablo Picasso in an exhibition featuring more than 60 works from 1923 to 1972, up through May 4; 400 Quail Road, Longmont;

Osmosis Gallery: “Favorite Places — Moab & Crested Butte,” by Lonny Granston, up through spring; 290 Second Ave., Niwot;

Tumbleweed Art Collective: This artisan boutique displays local artwork, hosts various classes and offers studio space; open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday; 1333 Coffman St., Suite A, Longmont;