Aries: Be mindful that people develop well respected reputations by keeping their promises and honoring their responsibilities. Consider taking your time if diving headfirst into any new trend, or spending extra money to gain influence.

Taurus: When your garden is blooming, enjoy smelling the fruits of your labor. Consider spending your funds on something worthwhile when money is plentiful. Flexibility may allow you to find something advantageous about a change in plans.

Gemini: Allow good deeds and acts of goodwill to naturally occur, genuinely surprising others. Prioritizing sincere compliments and casual assurances could give the best results. It may benefit you to have an optimistic approach in your endeavors.

Cancer: You might not be able to reach one of your long-term goals or objectives by impulsively spending money now, even if your friends are encouraging you. Patience and common sense are some of the key virtues to concentrate on.

Leo: You have earned the right to think for yourself. While others don’t truly dictate your views or opinions, you might occasionally agree just to maintain harmony. Make moves that work to your advantage without letting anyone down.

Virgo: Enormous opportunity may soon come your way. Your instinct might steer you down a different path than expected. Lean into your intuition and honor when you need to relax and take it easy versus when you could be making your move.

Libra: Prioritize safety and wellbeing. You may have a natural yearning for security and exercising caution when doing things especially when you have a task on your schedule. Putting responsibility before pleasure might be your superpower.

Scorpio: Be careful what you wish for because it may not be reversible. New people or experiences could be exciting but might disrupt your plans. The thoughts and opinions you make public could have unforeseen consequences.

Sagittarius: Fear not if your passion project seems to be crumbling before your eyes. Muster up the courage to put those shattered pieces back together stronger than ever. Embrace challenges like a cosmic puzzle with a happy ending.

Capricorn: You’re quick-witted and may feel more on top of the latest trends than the average person. It may not be just your intellect that will make a difference. Spread goodwill generously, and you could get the response or outcome you desire.

Aquarius: The thrill may lie in the chase when romance is on your mind. You might be surprised by unexpected results if you make your move. You could receive some extra attention and recognition for your skillfulness and good deeds.

Pisces: Stay sharp and stay true. Kindness is a key to having successful relationships, but so is making time for one another. Demonstrating pride in your tasks and responsibilities could make someone stop taking your affections and care for granted.

If Sept. 10 is your birthday: You may be likely to feel more romantic, relaxed and playful throughout the coming three to four weeks. Perhaps do your best to shine whenever you are within a social gathering or group. Gather inspiration that can be used to kick start your ambitions in late October. Your professional awareness might feel enhanced, possibly making it a suitable time to reassess investments and develop smart profit-making strategies. If you are efficient and organized, you might be able to handle extra responsibilities and a busy schedule. Consider pausing the start of anything important but be vigilant about taking care of loose ends and obligations. Your diligence may be noted so late November and December could bring an abundance of opportunities or much needed time for carefree relaxation.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency