What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.

It’s bad enough that Donald Trump has undermined our democracy with his absurd lie that the election was stolen. What makes it worse is that 70% of Republicans believe it.

The Arizona Republican Party is violating a federal statute by turning unsecured election ballots over to a private company, one with the ridiculous name of “Cyber Ninjas”. If the name doesn’t give you a clue that this outfit is bogus, how about the fact that it’s headed by Doug Logan, who has made a career lately out of spreading baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud, and is currently the target of a huge lawsuit over comments he has made about voting machines. But not to worry, the Department of Justice has sent them a stern letter. A stern letter? That’s it? Why are our federal officials so timid and cowardly when it comes to enforcing federal law? Trump broke one federal law after another during his four years in office and was never charged with anything. I don’t think he even got the stern letter.

As a young woman, I was lucky enough to be taught to drive on a manual transmission. Simply depressing the clutch and disconnecting the engine from the power train would remedy a stuck gas pedal. With an automatic transmission, the same can be accomplished by holding down the brake and knocking the shifter into neutral. While it is possible that transmission damage might occur at high speeds, that would be better than driving through a building or hitting another car.

What is happening with this invasion of unmarked black railroad tank cars? At first I thought it was just a Hammond problem but is an all over problem. I see it in the burbs as well. They are going east and west. They are blocking crossings for long periods of time not by stopping but by going so slow? Does anyone know what is going on? What happened in the past month to cause this mess?

Republican Ron DeSantis signed a bill with only one TV outlet allowed. For all you 2nd Amendment fanatics, what about the 1st Amendment? What about this slippery slope?

Looks like the Quickly column is only looking for like minded people to chime in on the Quickly column, blocking everyone else from even being able to go online and reading their comments unless you want to help fund their fuzzy liberal way of thinking. Hate God and Trump, throw away the gun that keeps you safe in your home, and throw away any common sense you ever had and think like the idiots in Quickly. No thanks to the fuzzy little freaks!

Trump is nothing like past presidents. He’s not tending to his business interests; instead, he’s the puppet master controlling the Republican Party. Its members are deathly afraid of him — look what happens to any Republican who speaks out against him or supported his impeachment. Trump is still out there spreading his lies, and talking about running again in 2024. As long as he’s active in American politics, he remains a threat to the nation’s security. Were he banned from politics, the Quickly column would be devoid of Trump comments.

If you want people to quit talking about the former guy, why don’t you practice what you preach?

You are prime example of a sore winner. You spent four years calling Democrats or losers when your guy was in the White House. That is the definition of a sore winner.

You have spent the last four plus years calling Democrats sore losers. Now you’re upset the people remind you of how bad the former guy was? He has only been gone 100 days and in his own mind still thinks he is president.

Critically-needed repairs and upgrades to security at the White House recommended by a task force at the beginning of the Trump administration were put off because Donald and Melania didn’t want the noise and the inconvenience, and preferred that it all be put off until some subsequent administration. Well, here we are, subsequently, and the project is now moving forward. The difference between the Trumps and the Bidens is profound.

Religion is a choice. Truly religious people don’t push their beliefs on anyone, they just live their life to reflect that. Hypocrites stand on their soapbox to draw attention to themselves for whatever cause they are pushing, their religion is not real, just used selectively to benefit them whenever necessary.

Who would have ever thought that Harvard graduates could be manipulated to believe a Big Lie! Additionally, who would have thought that the prestigious Wharton business school would produce a student who would later in life push a Big Lie and support an insurrection! Community colleges are looking better every day. And, they are much less expensive!

Liz Cheney is about to be removed from the House Republican Conference Chair because she refuses to lie about a stolen election. There was not any election fraud. It was the most honest election in our history even during a pandemic! Trump lost by more than 7 million votes! These are facts. If your a Republican you better look long and hard at what your party is doing. This is how democracies end and dictatorships start.

I suggest a new motto for the Republican party now that “Country First” doesn’t really seem to capture the essence of current Republicanism. How about “Patriots Against Democracy”? That captures it pretty well.

Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.