As a proud American, I would like to sincerely thank every man and woman who laid their lives on the line for our country, in all branches of service. Many didn’t make it back to their families and many suffered injuries that affects them profoundly every day. These brave Americans gave us our freedoms that so many take for granted. Can we all come together and be grateful we are free?

The reason things are more normal is the vaccine. If everyone would take the shot covid 19 would be gone. I don’t know what you are so afraid of.

Will this politicization of absolutely everything ever end? Senate Republicans now are rallying to defeat a bill that would increase cyber-security, even at a time when the U. S. is under almost constant attack from Russian and other hackers. It’s a sad day when political victory is far more important to Republicans than the security of our nation.

Would anyone who voted to remove Todd Rokita from the U.S. Congress, please explain the logic why they voted for him as Indiana Attorney General? Like a toxic work environment? Perhaps you should apply for a position on his staff. Don’t apply to be his chauffeur unless your personal hygiene is impeccable. Hopefully, Munster High School removed his name from its “Hall of Fame” to establish a “Hall of Shame.”

To the 35 Republicans that voted against the commission on the Jan. 6 invasion, have you given up your stance that Blue Lives Matter?

As quickly as the states pass voter suppression laws, immunization blocking vaccine requirements, laws to block schools from teaching about racism, our federal government should be passing laws to negate these ignorant lawmakers at the state level.

While the former guy did not cause the virus, he certainly contributed to the death toll by his poor response. He said it was a Democratic hoax, he publicly refused to wear a mask even though the world health experts recommended wearing one, he thought the virus would just disappear on its own by April 2020, and he thought herd immunity through exposure was a viable solution. Over a half million Americans died while he played golf.

The uneducated and unemployed have Quickly to voice their soapboxing on a daily basis. There is no outlet for the employed and the educated to voice their frustrations. All they can do is just keep earning an honest living.

I am glad you are finally catching on. It seems you finally realize the former guy doesn’t deserve the publicity of having his name published in Quickly. Thank you for supporting the cause.

The same people that think a business, such as a bakery, should be free to refuse service to LGBTQ customers also think no business should be allowed to refuse service to customers that refuse to wear masks. The former is just plain bigotry and prejudice couched in religious freedom while the latter endangers the public health.

People are still getting sick and spreading the virus. This is due to vaccine hesitancy mainly being promoted by the Republican party in the name of freedom. If you want to be free, get the vaccine and you will truly be free from COVID-19.

According to FOX 29, lumber prices went up in response to lower supply due to COVID-19 shutdowns and higher-than-normal demand for building material during the pandemic. Yes, tariffs do drive consumer prices up. The trade war also resulted in China buying and cornering the computer chip market.