The Chicago Bulls are a disgrace to the NBA. They are like a team in an open gym pickup game. There seems to be no desire. There seems to be no direction. They just seem to be basketball players playing for their own statistics. Like the Beatles’ “Help!” says, “I need somebody” and “won’t you please, please help me?

G, Chicago

It is ironic that politicians who are part-time employees want to set a wage standard for other part-time employees.


Let me start by saying this is not the Republican Party, but this is President Donald Trump’s party. A Speak Out commenter stated that Republicans fight to keep your freedom and the Democrats fight to take away your freedom. I had to read that comment twice. I could not believe it. The Republicans that I have been reading about for the past two years have been playing cat and mouse with elections by suppressing the vote in various states. The Republicans that I have been reading about for two years have been spreading fear. I am totally confused at the commenter’s statement.

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