Dear Heloise: An old broom can be used to “corral” rolls of tape. Love your column!

— Ann G., via email

Ann, I love to repurpose items when I can. I had an old broom handle that I mounted on a wall in my crafting room. I took all my rolls of ribbons and string, then strung them on the pole. It was so easy to just pull out a length of ribbon when I was wrapping a gift.

Do any of my readers have other handy hints like this to add to our collection? Let us know by writing to

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: Recently, our homeowners association asked everyone to check their water pressure to make certain that it wasn’t too high. Turns out, mine was. Appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers have a shorter life if the water pressure is too high. This explains why my dishwasher had to be replaced every five or six years!

It can also cause pipes to break and can result in expensive repairs. You can ask any plumber to check your water pressure, and if it’s too high, ask what they recommend. You know the old saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

— Courtney F., in Ohio


Dear Heloise: You recently had a reader who asked about homeschooling. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to homeschool her two boys, but her husband felt she should.

My mother homeschooled my sister, and while my sister loved it, I hated every minute of it. I felt isolated from reality and other kids my age. My mother was always patient with us and never complained about what she had given up. (She was a commercial artist and had a thriving career.)

By the time I was ready for middle school, I begged her to go to a public school, and she said if I really wanted to go, I could. So much depends on whether a child is ready for homeschooling. I’m a freshman in college now, and if I ever have a family, I will not homeschool my children. I would want them to develop alongside friends their age and learn how to get along with other children from different backgrounds.

— A Reader, via email


Dear Heloise: My first hint is about using leftover plastic bags. The best suggestion is to simply keep a few fabric reusable bags in the car for your shopping errands. They hold more, are stronger, and last for years.

My second hint is that I love liquid flavored coffee creamers, but I only drink 1 cup of coffee a day. After a few weeks, the creamer starts to thicken and ultimately spoils. If it’s kept in the freezer, it doesn’t freeze solid, and the flavor never changes. With your spoon, you can “scoop out” as much or as little as you prefer.

— Ken Cohn, via email

Ken, this is a good hint on how to save money by making your creamer last longer. I always hated to toss out food that has gone bad because it wasn’t used up.

— Heloise

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