(e.g., How many state names begin with “New”? Answer: Four.)

Freshman level

1. Which state borders a Canadian territory?

2. Which state is first alphabetically?

3. Name the only state that begins with the letter “D.”

Graduate level

4. Which two states does Florida border?

5. Which state is last alphabetically?

6. The Pilgrim Fathers first landed in what is now this state.

Ph.D. level

7. In which state is Pikes Peak?

8. Which state follows Florida in an alphabetical list?

9. Name the most densely populated state.

Answers: 1. Alaska. 2. Alabama. 3. Delaware. 4. Georgia and Alabama. 5. Wyoming. 6. Massachusetts. 7. Colorado. 8. Georgia. 9. New Jersey.

— North America Syndicate