Have no fear, home cooks, professional chefs are in your corner.

Of course, Thanksgiving is a lot. Wrestling that bird into the roaster, assigning oven times for 14 casseroles, the table settings, the dishes.

But you can do this, even if you don’t have the math skills of an engineer, the logistical prowess of an air traffic controller or the artistic touch of a Martha Stewart.

Chef Javier Reyes has every confidence. And if you get in a jam, the Joliet Junior College adjunct culinary instructor is just a phone call, email or text away.

Reyes, 42, has been helping to man the Turkey Talk-Line at Butterball since it opened Nov. 1; the actual talk-line office is located in Naperville. On Thanksgiving morning, he will be working live on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning, America.”

Forgot to thaw?

Cooking too fast?

Not sure if it’s done?

No problem.

Cooks can check out www.butterball.com ahead of time for tips on preparation, recipes, roasting, grilling and brining.

On the holiday, if you get stuck in a moment, reach out to the experts with buttery fingers for hacks on last-minute thawing, temperature checking, carving, even what to do with leftovers.

Reyes said he and local registered dietitian Samantha Woulfe will head to the ABC studios on Wednesday in preparation for their live appearance on the show on Thursday.

Some 50 chefs and dietitians work the Talk-Line each year, which runs through Dec. 24.

The gig begins with training in October at Butterball University in Naperville.

Reyes said there are many ways to contact the Talk-Line — call (1-800-BUTTERBALL), text (844-877-3456), or email or live chat through the website.

“If you’re having trouble, it’s always nice to hear a friendly voice to help you through the issues,” he said.

New this year is Butterball’s “No one turkeys alone this Thanksgiving” campaign. Butterball has paired with Bumble For Friends to bring people together through its #FindYourTable program.

“Research shows 20 percent of people are not celebrating because they’re either living away from home, maybe starting a new job, or whatever,” Reyes said.

“The app helps them meet up and have a Thanksgiving connection — a ‘friendsgiving.’ ”

Reyes knows what it’s like to move away from home and be away from family during the holidays. He was working as a computer programmer in Mexico when he decided to make a life change.

He’d always loved cooking, a passion he attributes to both of his grandmothers, so he decided to, first, follow his heart into the culinary world and then follow his father’s side of the family to Joliet.

He was impressed by JJC’s program and enrolled in 2013.

“I guess I hit it off with everybody here,” he said, because he was chosen to deliver the student speech on graduation night two years later.

Michael McGreal, JJC’s culinary arts department chair, was so impressed with Reyes that he hired him that night to fill an open position as purchasing specialist.

“I’m so grateful to everyone at JJC,” Reyes said. “Chef McGreal is the one who sent me the link to Butterball.”

Although enrollment in culinary school dipped during the pandemic, the program is back in full swing, he said.

“Cooking is still popular. I think it’s one of the things that brings people together. Social media and YouTube help promote it,” he said. “Everybody has to eat.”

In addition to doling out advice to holiday cooks, Reyes will be at the helm of his own Thanksgiving dinner Saturday when his 20 or so guests will gather for a potluck meal at his Shorewood home. Reyes is in charge of the turkey and the gravy.

“We just gather and play games and eat pie at the end,” he said.

Reyes said he wants to help you make the most of your holiday meal. Food is expensive, he said, but pound for pound, whole turkey is one of the most economical proteins.

Still, he added, waste not, want not. Make the most of those leftovers with some clever recipes on the website.

“A few years ago, Butterball came up with a really cool one that has been really popular,” he said.

Put leftover stuffing into your waffle maker, then top with leftover turkey and maple syrup.

And lest you worry about being embarrassed when talking with a chef about your kitchen mishaps, understand that Reyes has been in your shoes.

He, too, once forgot to thaw the turkey until the last minute. But, he added, Butterball has a solution for that.

Remember, Thanksgiving is not about perfection or pressure or judging others’ cooking skills.

It’s about gratitude — for family, friends, food, and a little bit help when you need it.

Donna Vickroy is an award-winning reporter, editor and columnist who worked for the Daily Southtown for 38 years.
