The “persistence of rumors” about an unfounded threat Thursday at Thomas Jefferson Middle School led to a few athletic teams to secure in their locker rooms during afterschool activities, police said.

The Valparaiso Police Department and the Valparaiso Community Schools staff investigated the threat, according to a release from Capt. Joe Hall, public information officer for the police department.

“The threat was found to not be credible; however, the persistence of rumors led to a few athletic teams to temporarily secure in their respective locker rooms during afterschool activities, as an exercise of caution,” Hall said in a release.

The joint investigation determined that no evidence was found to support the rumors and officials will continue to take such matters seriously.

“We truly appreciate the ongoing partnership and dedication to safety shared with the Valparaiso Community Schools,” Hall said, adding there would be increased patrols taking place throughout all of the schools in Valparaiso on Friday as a precautionary measure.

Portage Police handled a threat to the Portage Township schools on Monday that also was deemed as not credible but Police Chief Michael Candiano said police would be pursuing charges against two of the juveniles involved because of the impact the allegations had on the community.