Ken Martin’s long tenure as Minnesota DFL Party chair could end by the weekend — if he can convince national Democrats that his 14-year stewardship can provide the formula for a broader party rebound.
“At the Minnesota DFL, we have a track record of winning elections, I’m 25-0,” Martin said ahead of the Democratic National Committee chair election. “I rebuilt and turned around the Democratic Party in Minnesota and we haven’t lost since.”
Martin is among eight candidates in an internal party race for DNC chair, which culminates with a vote Saturday just outside Washington, D.C. Martin is viewed as a leading contender, but by no means does he have the race locked up.
He and the other candidates held a closing forum Thursday on the eve of the multi-day party meeting where the next leader will be selected. On Friday, candidates and volunteers made their case to voting members, shaking their hands over breakfast and inviting them to talk about priorities for the party.
Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler and Martin are viewed by many as the leading candidates. Others in the race include former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, Jason Paul, Faiz Shakir, Nate Snyder and Quintessa Hathaway.
Martin has highlighted his success in raising money for the party and working with state party leaders across the country as the head of the Democratic chairs group. He said the Minnesota model is ready to go national, and he should be the one to put it in place.
On Saturday, about 450 voting members of the Democratic National Committee will decide who will lead the party forward. Their choice will be a signal about how party insiders want to position themselves at the outset of President Donald Trump’s new term.
Martin said he’s prepared to take on that role while also working as an “organizer in chief” of the national party. During a candidate forum last week, Martin said he’d made it his role as DFL chair to land rhetorical hits on the GOP so that candidates don’t have to.
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison plans to be on hand to round up support for Martin, saying that Martin is uniquely positioned for the job.
“He’s the best thing for this party, particularly in this Trump period,” Ellison said.