Aries: Sometimes, it’s not just what you hear, but how it’s said that matters. Keep an eye out for the subtle cues behind the words. Your captivating presence hasn’t gone unnoticed, so enjoy the attention.

Taurus: When it’s time to act, go all in. Sometimes, taking the plunge may be the only way to get things moving. You may improve your circumstances by gathering more knowledge and enthusiastically following your dreams.

Gemini: A financial opportunity may arise but be sure to check the fine print. Consider leaning into unpredictability but do your due diligence before taking action.

Cancer: You may become known for your knack for accomplishment. You might be a task wizard and even competitors can respect you when you deal fairly. Your good sense may lead to an impulsive yet worthwhile purchase.

Leo: Believe in the good in people. Accepting what others say at face value may be okay sometimes. Smart friends and contacts might be there to help you with puzzle-solving and information gathering.

Virgo: You may attract people who prefer to keep a watchful eye on you. Being attractive might be fun but remember that your hard work could yield more permanent results when it comes to future finances.

Libra: True friends are there for you when you need them most. If single, a little romance might be around the corner.

Scorpio: Friends may enjoy being with you because you remind them to explore their potential and refrain from limiting beliefs. Consider being open to affection. Show up and the rest may easily fall into place.

Sagittarius: When opportunities come knocking, explore them with curiosity. You might find something worthwhile. Remember, there’s strength in numbers.

Capricorn: Collaboration might lighten the load and make everything you do easier and more enjoyable.

Aquarius: Paying your own way can leave you feeling empowered and liberated. While it could seem great to be part of a group of friends who share similar interests, solo adventures might have their advantages too.

Pisces: Embrace the power of conversation and communication, especially when you are working on a project alongside other people. Sharing your ideas and thoughts with others might just reveal faster ways to tackle tasks.

If July 17 is your birthday: The easiest way to lose an argument during the next week or two could be to begin one in the first place. You could be in too much of a hurry to understand the repercussions of risks. Consider taking a less defensive approach and being more cooperative for the best results. In November, you may easily revolutionize your lifestyle and break free of old conventions and traditions. Spread your wings and consider trying something new or making changes that could make your existence more fulfilling. This could be a nice time to join groups or organizations as you might find a new friend or a common cause.

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency