The Senior Life Master stood and surveyed his students.
After giving them a chance to decide on their play, the SLM continued. I trust (he said) that you started by counting your top tricks, your instant winners. Here, you should see six: two spades (given trick one), two diamonds and two clubs. You need three more winners. They could come from hearts, if the suit splits 3-3 or if West has ace-doubleton and you lead through him twice. Or they could be gained from clubs.
The clubs offer a better chance than hearts, but if the club finesse loses, you will go down because West will lead another spade and you will have only eight tricks.
The secret is to play on hearts and clubs. East surely has the heart ace for his overcall. So, play a diamond to dummy’s king, then call for a low heart. How does East defend?
If he wins with his ace, you have nine winners from two spades, three hearts, two diamonds and two clubs. Or, if East plays a low heart, you win that trick and shift to clubs, taking two spades, one heart, two diamonds and four clubs.
United Feature Syndicate