What’s Quickly? It’s where readers sound off on the issues of the day. Have a quote, question or quip? Call Quickly at 312-222-2426 or email quickly@post-trib.com.
Trump has pushed power privileges to their limit. In fact most would say he has abused these privileges. The most recent is the rash of pardons he just announced. I strongly believe there should be an amendment to the Constitution to bring the pardoning process under control. I have a simple suggestion. The president could still recommend pardons. The recommendations would go directly to the Supreme Court. The SC would have some clearly established guidelines related to pardons. The original thinking behind pardons was honorable. The framers just didn’t think that the people would vote a corrupt mindset into the presidency.
One of the Blackwater crew that Trump pardoned was military contractor Nick Slatten, who helped massacre 17 innocent Iraqi civilians — none of them armed — and claimed he did it because he felt threatened. He was sentenced to life in prison for first degree murder.
We went from No Drama Obama to Drama Queen Donnie, and I cannot wait for this presidency to end. I’ve had enough of the nonsense.
Donald Trump’s Christmas gift to Joe Biden is to leave the country in the worst shape possible. Trump’s actions since the election have had one purpose — to handicap Biden as he begins his term. Continuing to cast doubt on the election’s outcome, failure to condemn the Russian hackers, these are just some of the lumps of coal Trump will put in Biden’s stocking.
If you still are not sure of the definition of “privilege,” ask the prisoner who was housed next door to one of Trump’s pardoned buddies and was able to watch as the warden said, “The White House has sent the paperwork, you are free to go!”
Trump is not pardoning these people because he thinks they are innocent; he’s pardoning them because he knows they are guilty, but loyal to him.
Bruce Bartman DID NOT commit voter fraud; a clairvoyant told him his deceased mother wanted to vote for Trump.
President-elect Biden gave a brilliant response to a reporter who questioned whether or not he would be able to rally the support of Republicans for his soon to be proposed stimulus package. He simply said they have constituents and they are hurting too! America, on January 20 we can brag about our leadership again! Sorry, Putin!
Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell: Gifts from the people of Kentucky that just keep on grifting.
Only four presidents have been impeached or resigned. Only five presidents failed to win the popular vote. Only 13 presidents failed to get re-elected. Only one has done all three.
It is just as harmful for these media stations such as Fox and Newsmax to spout fake news and conspiracy theories as it is to yell “fire” in a crowded theater. They are inciting people to act irrationally. The laws in our great country need to put a stop to this nonsense.
Trump’s pardons make it clear that what we now have, but not for much longer, is government by mob boss. I blame it on the immense popularity of that no good fat slob, Tony Soprano.
Oh, I see. When Mayor Snedecor said the city of Hobart was cancelling the annual tax-funded Christmas tree lighting and violation of the First Amendment, I thought he’d decided to not use city funds to pay for a religious display. What he actually meant was tax money was going to pay for a religious display, just without the public present. Nice, Brian. How do I get my refund of my tax money from that flagrant violation of the law?
Trump’s allies and base of dimwits are promising a “reign of terror” during Trump’s last 30 days in office. Yawn. How could it be any different from his first four years in office?
Mayor Snedecor, could one of the reasons that Munster and Crown Point are the recent benefactors of multi-million dollar investments because those communities have educated, informed adults making decisions, unlike the complete lack of leadership in Hobart?
I sure hope you don’t think I believe your lie when you said Mitch McConnell was the one to hold up the stimulus bill, when anyone with a pea for a brain knew it was Nancy Pelosi, who even admitted it because their was a new president coming. You Trump haters always miss that part, don’t ya. What’s that know 100,000 lies in Quickly where mind reading started at the same time Trump Derangement Syndrome came out. Fact check that when you get a chance!
Republicans have been dragging their feet on passage of a stimulus bill, and millions of people as a result can’t even put food on the table. Now we learn that one of the many hold-ups was the GOP insistence that the bill contain a provision to make business lunches tax exempt.
Read more at www.post-trib.com/opinion.