Dear Abby >> Our parents and grandparents have passed. There are five of seven siblings left. When we were living at home, holidays were special and celebrated on the actual day. Once we moved away and started families of our own, it became difficult to get together every year on the exact date of the holiday. Some of us remained single; others wanted to spend the day with in-laws or at home with spouses and children. We still wanted to get together, so some years we gather on the actual holiday or the day or weekend before or after. This seemed like a great compromise.

Thirty years ago, one of our siblings decided that he wouldn’t join us for any holidays, including birthdays, unless they were celebrated on the exact day. With different work schedules, travel and other family obligations, accommodating the wishes of the one sibling has been impractical. We have missed him greatly over the years as we continue gathering to celebrate as a family. We are now in our 60s, and grandchildren and their families are added to the mix. How can we convince our missing sibling to join us for holidays whenever we are able to get together as a family versus him staying home alone?

— Mourning in Minnesota

Dear Mourning >> When the family gathers, call and FaceTime your absent sibling so he can see the merriment he is missing. Tell him you wish he could be there celebrating with you. However, after 30 years of self-imposed exile, do not expect him to change his pattern, because it’s unlikely to happen.

Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.