Aries: Demonstrate your trustworthiness. You may have an opportunity to be there for your friends in times of need, keep their deepest secrets, and offer thoughtful advice. Carefully consider a problem before taking any action.

Taurus: Oftentimes the simplest solution may be the best one. You might find that a quick fix will do just fine. Remain friendly when interacting with others and avoid discussing sensitive topics that could trigger the next great debate.

Gemini: Every story has two sides. Just because one side makes more noise doesn’t mean they’re right. Investigate thoroughly before choosing a stance. Perhaps it’s time to take a closer look at your finances to avoid being blindsided.

Cancer: You’ve earned your status through dedication and a solid track record, not by giving in to minor challenges and distractions. Consider exploring ways to have fun as turning your role into a tiring competition could lead to failure.

Leo: Celebrate your success but don’t let it go to your head. Remain focused and grounded as you work towards your next possible victory. Avoid focusing more on getting attention on getting the best side of the deal, versus seeking a win-win.

Virgo: Being flattered and consoled is not enough when you need the truth. You might need to reach beyond your regular circle of friends to find the answers you need to hear rather than answers that are designed to make you feel better.

Libra: Release control. Being fixated on getting your own way to achieve your vision may turn away your supporters. Consider pausing before taking on new opportunities or projects until you have clarified the details and fine print.

Scorpio: You can if you think you can. Seek out and emulate inspiring stories of sheer grit and determination. Your perseverance and commitment to your responsibilities on an important project could lead you to a successful outcome.

Sagittarius: People may say what you want to hear. It might be time to cross-check the progress being made to see if it matches what is being reported. Someone might not be motivated and focused on the goal or achieving actual results.

Capricorn: Remain neutral; avoid taking sides in other people’s disputes. Focusing on your own life and responsibilities could help you steer clear of potential trouble. Make sure to take some time to relax with a special someone or with close friends.

Aquarius: Keep a positive outlook and focus on the bright side. Your contacts might be more interested in business and serious conversations than social niceties. Stressful situations or worries about someone close could slow your progress.

Pisces: Misunderstandings may flourish when you’re overly obsessed with one thing. You may miss opportunities or neglect loved ones. It might be wise to move forward carefully until you’ve thoroughly assessed the situation.

If Oct. 3 is your birthday: Ride high on a wave of inspiring ideas and romantic dreams during the next two to three weeks. You might think the sky is the limit and may feel eager to indulge in creative activities. Mingling with a variety of interesting people in November may widen your social network. It could be wise to keep new acquaintances at arm’s length, so you do not become heavily involved in someone’s emotional issues. In the first half of December, you may be overly competitive or lose traction in negotiations because you rush through the prep work. Late December or early January could perhaps be a good time to pursue more ambitious projects or formulate a smart strategy for a chance to make better profits

Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency