Data says global warming caused by the sun, not man
Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Regarding “climate change,” people with valid scientific credentials are on both sides of this debate. Unfortunately, those questioning “accepted science,” like Dr. Roy Spencer, a senior climate study scientist at NASA, are silenced. Dr. Spencer supervised climate data collection from NASA satellites and claims data gathered under his supervision is misrepresented.

Dr. Spencer is a rare person offering evidence refuting global warming theories. Many of Dr. Spencer’s colleagues are reluctant to publicly join him rebutting politically correct versions of global warming because doing so creates difficulty securing funding for research.

NASA satellites have measured global temperatures for over 40 years. One observation of Dr. Spencer’s is average global temperature increases stopped 13 years ago. Dr. Spencer acknowledges average global temperature increased 25 years prior to that but contends this warming is a natural temperature fluctuation, not a man-made event.

Temperatures on Earth have risen, but so have temperatures on other planets. You don’t hear this because it runs counter to notions global warming is caused by human activity. In 2005, data from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed ice caps near Mars’s south pole were shrinking. Earth and Mars were warming up at the same time.

Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of space research at St. Petersburg’s Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says Martian surface temperature data is evidence current global warming on Earth is caused by variations in energy emitted by the sun. Dr. James Elliot, a research scientist at M.I.T. published studies showing Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto also are warming. This information is ignored because objective, open-minded people might question the political agenda of the “man-made climate change” advocates.

Instruments capable of accurately measuring temperature have existed for less than 300 years. Daniel Fahrenheit invented the modern mercury thermometer in 1714. This is a short period of time when considering 20,000 years ago our planet cooled enough to allow glaciers to advance as far south as Kentucky. To develop reasonably accurate surface temperature estimates prior to the thermometer, scientists use proxy measurements like soil and ice core samples and tree ring width. Proxy measurements are not as accurate as an instrument would provide, but they do indicate Earth was warmer 2,000 years ago than it is today. The point here is the time line for sampling temperature variations measured by instruments the global warming advocates use to advance their arguments is far too short to draw any conclusions one way or another. Sustained trends in climate change run over thousands of years, not a few decades.

Our planet has experienced significant climate variations since creation. Living in a modern, technically sophisticated society will not stop natural occurrences. Before surrendering freedom and liberty to government in the name of stopping what could be a natural event, we all need to look at all the facts, not just the popular and politically correct ones.

Charles Kerr

Lafayette Township