TTPS goes lame and timid
I don’t care if they were instructed to be restrained in  view of two recent rulings of the PCA, but TTPS officers who responded to the fire set by Sea Lots to the highway on July 4, 2022, should be disciplined for going lame and timid.

I happened to be conducting business on a higher-up floor of a Port-of-Spain building, so I could see the officers gathering and watching Sea Lots vagabonds throw debris (littering) and then set fire, burning the road (destruction of State property and malicious damage).

They all stood still while people who looked like them yelled, cursed and threw missiles at them and in response they stood still.

The racial partisanship of the TTPS was clear and evident.

In addition, I hope the Minister of Works is calculating the bill to repair the roadway, in the same way he was able to bill protesters in Debe and Moruga $375,000. In that incident, officers searched homes, went for cameras, accosted the MP, Michelle Benjamin.

Will they do the same to the MP for the area...anybody know who that is... bet it’s the boss of the Ministry of National Security. Today, the TTPS has shown its partisanship. It was deplorable how they failed to take any step to stop the debris.

They stood there, paralysed.

What waste of the equipment and training...or maybe that’s just for UNC protests and the 1/2 of the population that is contributing to crime, codeword for the Indians of the UNC voter base.