Winning scribe shares 20 years of experience
Letter writer Nishant Singh at his workplace in Lautoka.

THE Fiji Times Letter of the Year winner Nishant Singh was a high school senior when he penned his first Letter to the Editor.

Mr Singh said he had a desire to share his views on issues concerning the nation and that drove him to become a regular contributor to the column some 20 odd years ago.

He strongly believed The Fiji Times was the ideal medium to share his views.

“The Fiji Times became an effective platform where one could freely express their sentiments and engage in healthy debates with fellow contributors,” he shared.

“Whether it was on escalating poverty levels, the deplorable state of our public hospitals/infrastructure, the fragile state of Fiji’s fragmented economy and of course our volatile political system.”

Mr Singh said he looked forward to reading every published letter as every letter writer was unique and had their own style of writing.

He said the brand new 50 inch Sony television set he won from Prouds was a big hit with his family.