TTCSI’s Go Global Awards
The Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries hosted the inaugural Lawrence Placide Services Go Global Award on November 29 at TTCSI’s Head Office, O’Connor Street, Woodbrook.
Finalists met the criteria for the awards by completing the Services Go Global training Programme and obtained the certificate; applicants submitted an Export Plan using the tools provided in the training programme; demonstrated the capacity to export services regionally and/or internationally; and presented their valuation proposition for the panel of judges at Caribbean Export.
Simone Sant-Ghuran was selected ahead of the other finalists to be declared winner on the evening.
In 2008, the late Lawrence Placide became the first pres i- dent of the Trinidad and Tobago Coalition of Services Industries (TTC SI). He was a keen advocate for the development of the sector and without a doubt, the foremost authority on international trade particularly trade in services.