•From Howard Morris.
YOUR correspondent Stephen Halford (JEP letters 30 June) recognises that there was ‘little scientific basis for the decisions that were made’ by our politicians during the Covid pandemic and urges them to start to ‘exercise independent critical thinking’. Sadly, there is no evidence that they are even capable of that.
His remarks chime well with my own appeal (JEP 28 June) for politicians to start serving the interests of Jersey citizens. Mr Halford feels that ‘we are being lied to again about certain aspects of climate change’ and urges caution and scientific fact-finding before ‘committing to policies that will permanently affect all of our lives’. Top independent scientists would confirm that Mr Halford’s ‘deep-rooted gut feeling’ is correct. Climate alarmism and ‘net-zero’ fanaticism is akin to religious zealotry, but much more dangerous: we risk destroying the very basis of our civilisation by this futile self-flagellation which only profits the army of ‘green investors’. A ‘climate emergency’ has no basis whatsoever in hard scientific facts (physics, chemistry and mathematics) and the only ‘zero’ to come from the tyrannical diktats of our politicians will be zero economic growth and zero progress for our citizens who are being driven back to the dark ages with the imminent banning of petrol and diesel cars and the imposition of 20mph speed limits, all in the name of ‘saving the planet’.
Assembly Members, including the socalled ‘environmentalists’ who drive this nonsense, should watch a YouTube video produced by a knowledgeable American expert physicist and climatologist Professor David Dilley (Signs That Global Cooling is Beginning), which explains the planetary origins of thousands of years of climate change, and predicts an imminent series of very cold winters using the known periodicities of the effects of planetary motion on our earth and its moon. Would I trust the preaching of our Assembly Members on this subject or Prof Dilley? My money’s on Dilley! Unfortunately, by the time the truth becomes more obvious to everyone, the politicians will have moved on and escaped accountability, with the poor in our society having been hit hardest.
The parallels with Boris’s ‘Partygate’ dancers are striking – they knew that the risks from Covid to the average citizen were minimal, but that didn’t stop them from isolating the Queen at Prince Philip’s funeral or locking us all down and destroying the economy.
Rochez, Les Ruisseaux, St Brelade.