•From Gerard Baudains.
I FIND it extremely concerning that people such as Deputy Jonathan Renouf are so behind the curve, not to mention clearly uninformed, about windfarms.
Energy from them is very unreliable. Consequently, back-up by conventional (fossil or nuclear) is required 24/7. However, a conventional power station does not respond well to sudden stops and starts – which is why windfarms are often paid to not produce power, meaning electricity users end up paying twice for their energy.
Does the Deputy not read the news? Had he done so, he will have found windfarm firms are struggling financially, to the extent they are not prepared to build new installations unless they are guaranteed a 70% increase in revenue. No wonder “renewables” produce the most expensive power around.
One only has to look at what happened in Germany to see the folly of Deputy Renouf.
They were led down the road of renewables by misinformed environmentalists.
The result? Endless power outages and the most expensive electricity in Europe. And so they started relying on Russian gas and building new coal-fired power stations.
And that doesn’t touch on their environmental cost. They are an eyesore and chop up millions of birds annually. So why create bird sanctuaries on the Minquiers and Ecréhous when the new French windfarm will kill the birds before they get there? Birds have no chance against a blade tip doing 200 miles an hour.
Individual turbines are expensive (around £3m each) and have a relatively short life, typically less than 15 years. And they are unrecyclable.
So, what the Deputy proposes is an environmental disaster with electricity consumers paying considerably more for their power.
I find it deeply disturbing that our government is prepared to gamble residents’ wealth by implementing “solutions” to imagined problems dreamt up by political activists.
Glenmoor, Vieux Chemin, St Clement.