Lodi Hospital provides help with diabetes, weight loss
Learn how to manage blood sugar and shop healthier
Cleveland Clinic Akron General Lodi Hospital is partnering with Lodi’s Miller’s Market grocery store to provide free tours designed to make shopping for food and meal planning easier.

Join Robin Waltenberger, Lodi Hospital’s registered dietitian, for a one-hour Good Health in Store: Supermarket Tours for Diabetes and More at Miller’s Market, 711 Wooster St., Lodi, on Aug. 16, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. to learn how to simplify shopping and still enjoy eating.

The tour provides hands-on experience with reading labels, determining portion sizes, deciding which foods are best, learning what to avoid and knowing when you can “bend the rules.” The tour is open to everyone whether or not you have diabetes – the information is also helpful for weight loss, polycystic ovarian syndrome or if you have high cholesterol, blood pressure or triglycerides.

The tour is free, but call 330-948-5546 to reserve your place. Each tourist will receive a shopping guide, so don’t forget your glasses and a pen.

Additionally, Lodi Hospital will offer a fun, interactive Sugar School on Sept. 21 from 7-9 p.m. at Lodi Hospital, 225 Elyria St., Lodi.

Want to know what to eat to control your blood sugar and lose weight? Sugar School will teach you in just one night. Learning quick and easy ways to control your blood sugar is the first step toward feeling better and living a longer, healthier life. Sugar School is a fun, interactive class focusing on what to eat, how to eat and the best times to check blood sugar levels.

Sugar School provides invaluable health education at only $20 per person or $30 per couple.

A physician’s referral is not needed, and insurance will not be billed. Reservations are required no later than Sept. 14 by calling 330-948-5546.