Keeping an edge through reading
Summer reading program keeps kids’ skills sharp
Some of the top readers in the library’s summer reading program included Jalyn Botosan, Kaitlyn Brinley, Rebekah Eston, Ryan Noriega, Leah Botosan, Joel Martin and Zachary Lamoreaux. Submitted photo
WADSWORTH – Children who avoid reading throughout the summer can experience detrimental effects when it comes to their education.

“Research shows that children who don’t actively read for three months can lose up to a grade level from the previous school year,” said Nicole Moore, manager of the children’s youth and outreach services at Wadsworth Public Library.

But thanks to the efforts of those involved with the summer reading program at the library, nearly 3,000 children should avoid becoming one of these statistics.

The reading program began June 4 and ran for eight weeks. Children and teens would stop by the library each week and were challenged to read at least 15 minutes a day. They received small incentives throughout the program. The program was broken into three groups including children birth to 2 years who attended the program and enjoyed early literacy activities with their parents. The other group included children age 3 through grade 6 and also a group of seventh through 12th graders.

“The goal was to make it as fun as possible and also to have incentives,” Moore said. “One of the trickiest things is to find what we call ‘right fit books.’ This is a book that has a subject that piques the child’s interest and is achievable but also challenging.”

Moore said she was very impressed by the number of children enrolled in the program and also by the dedication of their parents to make sure the children continue to read throughout the summer.

“A lot of the readers became very competitive and they would call in to check and see if they were still at the top,” Moore said.

Top readers in the age 3 through sixth grade category included Nathan Mitchell, Anna Miller, Zachary Lamoreux, Joel Martin and Leah Botosan.

In the teen category they included Kaitlyn Brinley, Ryan Noriega, Rayghen Simon, Jalyn Botosan and Rebekah Eston.

The top teen reader received a gift bag with a variety of prizes and gift certificates. The top reader in the younger category received a $50 Target gift card. All runners up received $10 Target gift cards.

Moore said the library staff is already planning for the 2018 summer reading program.

“Every year we get comments from patrons to see how we can make the program better,” she said. “Our response to the program has been astounding.”

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