Can’t let up on scrutiny over Russia ties

In “The Trump presidency: get used to it,’’ Alex Beam cites Masha Gessen’s essay doubting a Russia connection, and agrees with her contention that the evidence so far is “plainly, laughable.’’ Well, I do not agree. I’ve followed what has been brought to light not only by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC but by Representative Eric Swalwell of California, who has made the connection all too evident.

We may never see Donald Trump’s tax returns, but what has been discovered in broad daylight by dedicated reporters is enough to call for a serious investigation, not one led by one of his transition team members.

What would the reaction have been if a Democrat had won and all the conflicts of interest, emoluments clause improprieties, and other oddities associated with the Trump team were aired in this way? The hypocrites in the Republican House and Senate would be launching 24-hour-a-day hearings to get to the bottom of things, as we all know. Can you say Benghazi?

All one has to do is follow the money. Apparently Trump has made more money from Russian oligarchs’ business being sent his way than we know, and we know it’s a lot.

JoAnn Sorrento
