Clinton woos alienated Republicans
Retools her message to reach GOP voters turned off by Trump
A backer posed for a photo with Hillary Clinton at a rally at East Los Angeles College this week. She is trying to reach out to Republicans as the race winds down. (Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)
By Amy Chozick
New York Times

WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — After a year of staking out liberal positions and focusing largely on minority voters, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is repositioning itself to appeal to independent and Republican-leaning white voters turned off by the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee, Donald Trump.

With the Democratic nomination in sight, Clinton has broadened her economic message and devoted days to apologizing for a comment she previously made that angered working-class whites.

She also has pledged that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who remains widely popular among the blue-collar voters drawn to Trump, would “come out of retirement and be in charge’’ of creating jobs in places that have been particularly hard hit.

The move comes at a time when the Republican Party is publicly grappling with whether to embrace its unconventional nominee. The House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, said Thursday that he was “just not ready’’ to back Trump.

As Clinton talks to voters, her campaign is trying to gain endorsements from influential Republican leaders, including former elected officials and retired generals, who can help convince voters that she is their best alternative to Trump.

That is a striking turn after Clinton spent the past year trying to mobilize the liberal wing and labor leaders in the Democratic Party.

But her campaign, confident that the young people and liberals backing Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont will come around to support Clinton in November, is focusing its efforts on white working-class women and suburban women who tend to vote for Republican presidential candidates, but who polls show hold negative views of Trump.

“I’m here because I want you to know whether people vote for me or not, whether they yell at me or not, it’s not going to affect what I will do to help,’’ Clinton told residents at a health clinic here Monday, as protesters chanted “Hillary, go home!’’ outside.

Clinton’s two-day swing across Appalachia this week served as the beginning of the campaign’s full-court press to convince persuadable white voters that she would run a more inclusive campaign than Trump — and to signal that she would cede no group to him.

“I invite a lot of Republicans and independents who I’ve been seeing on the campaign trail, who’ve been reaching out to me, I invite them to join with Democrats,’’ Clinton told CNN on Wednesday. “Let’s get off the red or the blue team. Let’s get on the American team.’’

In the Democratic primary, Clinton has struggled with non-college-educated white voters and self-identified independents, often losing those groups by wide margins to Sanders.

But faced with the choice between Clinton and Trump, 51 percent of independents and 59 percent of moderates favor the former secretary of state, compared with 41 percent and 39 percent for Trump, according to the most recent CNN/ORC poll.

“If the primary happened to be over already, we feel the coalition we’ve built has the makings of a winning coalition as it is in a general election,’’ said Brian Fallon, a Clinton spokesman. “But we’re not satisfied with that,’’ he said. “We want to make inroads even with populations that aren’t supporting her in great numbers.’’

But if Clinton’s “Breaking Down Barriers Tour’’ in Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia this week provided a road map for her strategy in the weeks ahead, the antagonistic reception she received also highlighted her own vulnerabilities and tendency to divide and incite people — weaknesses Trump plans to exploit.

Trump, who has proved adept in connecting with white working-class men, also plans to hit Clinton on her previous support for global trade deals that many Americans blame for jobs moving overseas.

He has seized on a comment she made to CNN in March that “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.’’

The backlash over that remark — made in the context of replacing coal with clean energy jobs — turned Clinton’s campaign events into an Appalachian apology tour, as she was repeatedly, and pointedly, forced to explain what she called a “misstatement.’’

The Clinton campaign is moving to exploit the public criticism of Trump by prominent Republicans.

On Wednesday, the campaign released an online ad that quotes Trump’s former primary opponents describing him as a “know-nothing candidate,’’ “a narcissist,’’ and “the most vulgar person ever to aspire to the presidency,’’ among other epithets.

Clinton’s pitch to Republicans reflects the grim political realities of 2016: More than half of the registered voters who said they would vote for Clinton planned to do so in opposition to Trump, rather than in support of her candidacy, according to the CNN/ORC poll.

Or, as Jan Franck, 65, a retiree in Charleston, W.Va., put it after hearing Clinton speak on Tuesday: “She could be a sock puppet running against Donald Trump, and I’d vote for her.’’