HARDLY WORKING Freshly shaken bottle of Sprite Zero and White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed in a press conference this week that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort played “a very limited role’’ in the Trump campaign. “That sounds accurate,’’ said the Internet, which then codified this accuracy in its usual way by ensconcing the claim in a hashtag. #VeryLimitedRole now collects similarly insignificant and/or negligible contributions throughout history, like Darth Vader’s subtle, fleeting presence in the Empire.
STARTED FROM THE TOP Drake’s latest release, “More Life,’’ has been out less than a week and has already broken all kinds of Spotify records, exceeding 61 million times on its first day of availability. “More Life’’ is also unique in that it’s billed as a “playlist’’ rather than an album, and features a number of tracks from other artists. Drake is already working on his next release, a massive billion-track compilation of curated music tentatively titled Spotify.
LABOR OF LOVE It’s very possible that by the time this goes to print, the world will be graced with a brand-new baby giraffe! But even more importantly, April the Giraffe will be graced with not having a damn giraffe hanging out inside of her. Or, partially outside of her as is currently the case. The livestream from April’s home of Animal Adventure Park has been thrilling thousands with every hoofy bulge and distension since Feb. 23, and caretakers are claiming that mom’s in the “home stretch,’’ which seems like unduly vivid phrasing for the situation, but don’t hold your breath. That goes double for you, April. Breathe, mama, breathe!
SHELL SHOCK Elsewhere in major life events for famous animals, Omsin, the 25-year-old Thai sea turtle that went viral in two senses after being hospitalized for a belly full of coins (her name is Thai for “piggy bank’’), has died from blood poisoning and intestinal issues. Her passing seems especially unfair considering each of those quarters was supposed to be good for two hours. (OK, that was mean. Sorry.) Omsin leaves behind a sizable estate that will be divided between and subsequently eaten by her 148 children. (Better.)
Michael Andor Brodeur can be reached at mbrodeur@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter: @MBrodeur.