5th-grade teacher a ‘Ninja Warrior’
Is a finalist in TV show competition
Allyssa Beird in “American Ninja Warrior’’ competition. (J.R. Fuller)
By Johanna Seltz
Globe Correspondent

The students in the popular science fiction series “My Teacher is an Alien’’ have nothing on fifth-graders at the Henry B. Burkland Elementary School in Middleborough: Their teacher is an “American Ninja Warrior.’’

Twenty-six-year-old Allyssa Beird qualified for the finals of the grueling obstacle course competition, which will air on NBC television from Las Vegas on Aug. 22.

A former gymnast going into her third year of teaching in Middleborough, Beird trained throughout the school year. She was one of four women to make it to the “Ninja Warrior’’ finals and the chance to win $1 million in prize money.

Principal Derek Thompson said the school incorporated Beird’s quest into the school’s motivational program, which stresses the importance of working hard to achieve goals.

Each year before standardized tests are given, the school holds a rally and brings in an outside speaker. Last year, Thompson said he brought in his neighbor, who’s in the Guinness Book of World Records for various stunts done while walking on his hands.

This year, Beird spoke, and brought along “American Ninja Warrior’’ star Drew Drechsel, and the two demonstrated their skills.

“The kids were mesmerized,’’ Thompson said. “She took a classroom chair and went all the way around it [on her hands] without touching the floor. He did a lot of flips. They really drilled home the point of how hard they work, and how if you work hard enough, you can do anything you want.’’

The school PTA has capitalized on Beird’s celebrity by selling T-shirts that say “Teacher by Day, Ninja by Night.’’ And Thompson said Beird’s students are extremely proud of her.

“I’ve heard kids call her the coolest fifth-grade teacher ever,’’ he said. “She is a very good teacher, too, which is important to mention.’’

Johanna Seltz can be reached at