Critique of homework-free life bungles the assignment

Re “This move is foolhardy, irresponsible,’’ (Letters, Sept. 20): Whether homework is beneficial or detrimental is debatable. What is not debatable, however, is the pompous tone of William D. Kickham’s response to the article “Learning the rhythms of a homework-free life.’’

Perhaps Kickham should be educated about the vast number of high-achieving students who do not have the time to participate in activities or sports because of the burden of homework.

Perhaps he should be educated about the number of children who actually go outside and play after school rather than play on electronic devices, as he assumes they will do. It is irresponsible to assume that all children would simply waste their free time after school if they had no homework.

I would like to see a homework assignment that teaches my children that “anyone with a modicum of intelligence’’ never makes a blanket statement regarding what other people’s children may or may not do with their time.

Michelle Walker
