A clutch of letters from Santa’s mailbag spells out their needs
By Thomas Mulvoy
Globe Santa Staff

Letters from the Globe Santa family:

“I have been receiving Globe Santa gifts for a few years now and would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all that this organization and its generous contributors have done for my children. Each year they have been privileged to wake up to ‘Santa’s gifts’ on Christmas Day. I am a single mother of two girls and although I work full time, the bills sometimes exceed the amount on the check I bring home each week. They do not pause because of the holidays.

“I believe that the world works in cycles and that one day I will be fortunate enough to provide another young mother with the joy and hope that I have been provided for so many years.’’


“I am a single mother of two boys ages 13 and 4. I am now battling cancer for the third time with no cure, but I am participating in a clinical trial for immunotherapy by flying to and from the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore every two weeks as of October. I am giving this fight my all to be with my children; they need me and I need them. Any help from Globe Santa this year will be very much appreciated. Thank you for offering such kind services to families in need.’’


“Seven months ago, I had to abruptly move from Florida to Massachusetts to help my mother with her chemo sessions. My girls are both disabled and have had a hard time with this change and their routines being disrupted, but we are almost back to a normal life.

“Because our move was not planned, we had to leave almost all our furniture back in Florida so we don’t have a Christmas tree. Presents from Globe Santa would help put smiles on my babies’ faces. Thank you for taking my letter.’’


Each year, Globe Santa, a program of the Boston Globe Foundation, receives and tries to answer every letter like the ones above. Last year, some 35,000 children from about 20,000 Greater Boston families received holiday presents thanks to the generosity of Santa’s thousands of contributors who give so that small children can experience a touch of joy on Christmas Day.

Please consider donating today.

Publication of the names of donors to Globe Santa will begin early next month.

Thomas Mulvoy can be reached at