What They’re Saying

Nicholas Kristof the UNited nations Summit for Refugees

[I]n the last great refugee crisis, in the 1930s and ’40s, the United States denied visas to most Jews. We feared the economic burden and worried that their ranks might include spies. It was the Nazis who committed genocide, but the United States and other countries also bear moral responsibility for refusing to help desperate people.

The New York Times, September 17, on the UN refugee summit.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds peter thiel on the supreme court?

Our Supreme Court nominees typically come from a pretty narrow cast: Harvard or Yale Law grads, academic credentials, a court of appeals background. There’s nothing wrong with people like that . . . but there’s a lot more to the country and the Constitution than is dreamt of by people with narrow Ivy League backgrounds.

USA Today, September 20, on rumors that Donald Trump would nominate Peter Thiel to the Supreme Court.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Lil Wayne

All the great work done by today’s civil rights activists such as what’s happening under the umbrella of Black Lives Matter just received a kick to the ribs because a famous black man, euphoric with pride at his white fans, denied racism. It’s like ignoring that scent of gas until it explodes.

The Washington Post, September 20, on Lil Wayne’s comments that America has overcome racism.