Brookline changes to ‘Select Board’
By John Hilliard
Globe Correspondent

Brookline’s Board of Selectmen became the Select Board following a Town Meeting vote Tuesday night to remove the reference to gender in the governing panel’s name.

The change also replaces the title of “selectman’’ with “select board member.’’

The changes are intended to reflect that membership to the elected five-member panel isn’t limited to men. Two of Brookline’s current select board members are women.

The measure also requires the use of gender-neutral language in town documents and communications.

The name changes were part of a warrant article proposed by Alex Coleman, a member of the town’s Commission for Diversity Inclusion & Community Relations.

Coleman said in written comments included with the Town Meeting warrant that the measure was intended to help reflect a commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

“There is ever growing awareness that language really does make a difference when it comes to inclusion, appreciation for the benefits of diversity, and sending a message of welcome to all members of the Brookline community, particularly those in protected classes,’’ Coleman wrote.

He added that similar changes have been made in other towns for years — the Newton Board of Aldermen became a city council in 2015, and Amherst’s selectmen became a select board almost two decades ago.

The change was celebrated on Twitter by Town Meeting member Michael A. Burstein, who called it “a very important change.’’

Burstein proposed a separate article to rename the former selectmen to “selectwomen.’’

His proposal, which didn’t pass, was intended to help highlight the reference to men in an elected body that is supposed to be open to all town residents, he said.

John Hilliard can be reached at