Invest in Bay State solutions instead of outsourcing electricity market

Outsourcing a third of the Massachusetts electricity market for decades is not the silver bullet to meet the Commonwealth’s climate change goals, and it would increase consumer costs (“Mass. needs hydro to meet 2020 carbon goal,’’ Editorial, April 25).

Massachusetts power plants are already among the cleanest in the nation, having cut carbon emissions by more than half since 1990, with the potential for more to come. Thanks to these investments, Massachusetts is well on its way to meet its goals. As energy continues to become cleaner, the Commonwealth must also develop a plan that addresses our largest carbon emitter: transportation.

The hydropower legislation being proposed would subsidize utilities such as Hydro Quebec and Eversource, with Massachusetts consumers paying up to $777 million more on their electricity bills every year for 25 years. All for a transmission line such as the one Hydro Quebec and Eversource want to run through the White Mountain National Forest. Given intense New Hampshire opposition, that project may never happen, and if it did, it certainly would not be soon enough to affect 2020 carbon goals.

Instead of subsidizing outside utilities so that they can send their most expensive power here, let’s invest in Massachusetts to make energy more affordable, reliable, and clean.

Dan Dolan, president

New England Power Generators Association
