bird sightings

Recent bird sightings as reported to the Massachusetts Audubon Society:

A number of new migrants arrived last week, sharp-shinned hawks and American kestrels at Plum Island, shorebirds including solitary sandpipers, willets, lesser yellowlegs, least and pectoral sandpipers, laughing gulls, eastern whip-poor-wills, eastern kingbirds, white-eyed, yellow-throated, and blue-headed vireos, several species of swallows, blue-gray gnatcatchers, golden-crowned and ruby-crowned kinglets, and hermit thrushes. Warbler species reported included ovenbirds, Louisiana and northern waterthrush, black-and-white, yellow, palm, and Wilson’s.

►Plum Island: Reports from Parker River National Wildlife Refuge last week featured two blue-winged teal, three northern shovelers, a solitary sandpiper, a lesser yellowlegs, a lingering rough-legged hawk, 179 American kestrels, 13 merlins, and 22 purple finches.

►Ipswich: In the vicinity of the Argilla Farms complex was a large flock of approximately 100 glossy ibises that contained at least one white-faced ibis. At Appleton Farm, a red-headed woodpecker continues to be seen. At the Hamlin Reservation, there was another white-faced ibis, and elsewhere in town a white-eyed vireo was observed.

►Miscellaneous: Reports last week featured two Eurasian green-winged teal on Water Row in Wayland; a tufted duck and a snowy owl at Nantucket; the continued presence of a king eider in the Cape Cod Canal in Bourne; a cattle egret at Barre Falls Dam; 38 glossy ibises at Nine Acre Corner in West Concord; two black vultures at Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary in Sharon; a clapper rail at Egypt Road in Fairhaven; an Iceland gull at the Bolton Flats; and a snowy owl at Duxbury Beach.

For more information about bird sightings or to report sightings, call the Massachusetts Audubon Society at 781-259-8805 or go to