Long-overdue focus on travesty of Felix Arroyo’s case

Thank you to Joan Vennochi for a long-overdue column about the travesty of what has happened to Felix G. Arroyo, former head of Boston’s office of health and human services (“Complaint dropped, but Felix Arroyo still in limbo,’’ Opinion, Feb. 27). According to a previous Boston Globe article, Arroyo’s accuser could not get a single co-worker to support her statements. Now even more damning evidence has appeared. Evidently several people who worked for Arroyo signed affidavits saying the woman behaved inappropriately and that they never saw any of the behavior described in her complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.

As the wife of a former long-term City of Boston employee, I can assure you that not all complaints are what they appear to be. I cannot wait for this woman to pursue civil action and be cross-examined.

Diane Simpson
