Awaiting new heart, mom seeks joy for boy
By Christopher Tangney
Globe Santa Staff

As any single parent can attest, raising a child takes a tremendous amount of time and energy. Making sure a son or a daughter is well fed, washed, dressed to go out, and happy can be an exhausting routine day after day.

Now, imagine taking on those responsibilities while battling a debilitating illness.

Such is the case for a mother from a city southwest of Boston who has written to Globe Santa on behalf of her 4-year-old son. She wants nothing more than to see her boy celebrate Christmas with a few presents under their tree, but it’s a struggle to meet living expenses while she is being treated for congestive heart failure and not able to work.

“I am able to breathe, type this letter, and be here for now,’’ the mother wrote. “I will tell you that the poor kid has seen a lot with me being sick.’’

She has been hospitalized and is on a waiting list for a heart transplant, yet she remains grateful for each day the two of them get to spend together and displays a positive attitude so that her son is not too afraid. The little boy is remarkably upbeat, she wrote, describing him as a “healthy, happy, funny, always smiling, kind, and very active social child.’’

She is praying that her son will share in the magic of Christmas morning. To see his excitement as he dashes down the stairs on Christmas morning to find presents from Santa Claus is something she doesn’t want to miss, but without help, that scene will not take place. “I just want to say thank you for taking the time . . . to read this letter, and I am sending you a picture of my son so that you can see a real person that you are helping to have a Merry Christmas,’’ the proud mother wrote. “Thank you for this program and your help!’’

Her boy will be among the tens of thousands of children who will receive a visit from Globe Santa this season, thanks to the generosity of individuals, groups, and local businesses that donate money for toys, books, games, and other gifts.

Globe Santa, a program of the Boston Globe Foundation, was launched 60 years ago to deliver holiday gifts to deserving local children and families. Back then, the team collected enough money to assist 6,200 local families. Last year, some 35,000 children from nearly 20,000 families were beneficiaries. More than three-fourths of the donations in 2015 were for $100 or less, so please consider helping out. Every dollar helps to light up a child’s face on Christmas morning. And who’s to put a price on such a smile?

Tangney can be reached at