Partnerships between businesses and public schools do work (“Still not ready,’’ Business, May 5). It just takes the right partnership.
The Roslindale Business Group, an affiliation of Roslindale businesses, has been pleased to welcome the Jamaica Plain-based nonprofit Apprentice Learning into our community. This innovative career-exploration program has involved our members in a unique apprenticeship program. Eighth-graders from Boston Public Schools have been matched with more than 30 [?] business partners across the city, including five in our group. The businesses host weekly apprenticeships of about two hours each over six weeks, and essentially teach students about owning and operating a small business. Young people have helped with inventory and customer service, and have provided ideas on marketing and store window designs.
Our members have appreciated both the work ethic and maturity of the apprentices, two of whom came to a recent Roslindale Business Group meeting to discuss their experience.
John Hailer, chief executive at Natixis Global Asset Management, who was quoted in Jon Chesto’s story, is correct that a school-business partnership doesn’t have to be complicated. In the case of Apprentice Learning, we have found it is actually quite simple.
John Malley
Roslindale Business Group